As most of you know, we bought a "fixer upper" house. When we decided to buy this house 2 1/2 years ago, I don't really think we knew what we were getting into! :) We have remodeled both bathrooms, painted every wall, painted the ceilings, repainted walls, installed windows and fans, remodeled the kitchen, plumbing, putting in outlets, put in hardwood floors...the list continues. Now I say this as "we" but we all know that it is Danny the handy man that does this all and I am his apprentice! I am completely blessed to have a handy husband! Now the saga continues with remodeling the basement. We had a dear friend come help with the framing and now we are putting up the dry wall. The other projects have been huge but this one is like starting from scratch and doing it all. It also is a little more difficult this time having a mobile toddler who would like to help at all times but we're doing ok. The drywall is going up and it's nice to see the progress daily. Once we get done we will have a nice entertainment room in the basement and playroom for Bryce which will be so nice to have toys confined in ONE area....instead of taking over the house! :)
Not so sure about the snow |
We also are enjoying the warm days followed by snow days in CO. Bryce isn't too sure about snow and doesn't like to be cold so playing in the snow is not his favorite thing yet. He is getting so big and it's crazy how much he is learning. His new thing is putting toys on tables in a line. His reach is just at the top of the dining table and his toys usually end up there. He's so funny with his toddler antics and we are constantly smiling at what joy he brings us. He still only talks in jibberish with a mama, dada, this, that, and ack thrown in but he always has a lot to say!
lining up the toys |