Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time to start a blog

So with family all over the states from California to New York and with my extra time I will have being at home with Bryce, I decided to start a blog detailing events of Baby Bryce.  Bryce will 9 months on Friday and I can't believe how that time has flown.  He is such a joy.  He got his front 2 teeth the last few weeks and isn't quite sure what to think of them!  He is constantly playing with them and drooling like there is no tomorrow!
He is also a mobile munchkin, constantly on the go crawling everywhere.  He stands on anything he can get his hands on and keeps me on my toes! We recently got a puppy named Benton and they are constantly "running" around together.  It's pretty cute and yet quite a handful.  Danny had some reservations about adding a puppy to the mix of a baby but we're enjoying it!

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