Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby #2 Name

So as we progress to almost 28 weeks with baby #2, we embark of the daunting task of naming this one.  Now with Bryce, he didn't have name until 2 months until he was born so we still have a month with this one.  Naming boys is so much harder.  Before we had Bryce we came up with a name for a girl and several names for a boy....but still finding a boy name was hard!  This time finding a name for a second boy is even harder! Danny and I agree on most things but names for this child just seem to be something we just can't agree on.  Also finding a name that we both love as much as Bryce is hard as well.  This little guy will most definitely have a great name but it may be determined at the hospital!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe "Kip" wasn't immediately discussed in earnest. "Chi-na" and "Bryce Jr." should also have made the shortlist. I must say I'm a bit shocked.

    See also: Phoebe and Phoebo
