Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crazies at Christmas

I decided to venture of with only 3 days til Christmas and was in shock of the craziness of Christmas. The lady in front of me at a store was literally screaming at the poor salesman today because she lost a coupon.  Now I understand the glory of the hunt when a coupon saves you that precious dollar or two.  This lady obviously was so worried about money that she sent her daughter back to hunt for this coupon to save a dollar on some toy.  When the daughter returned with no coupon, the lady proceeded to yell at her until she reached into her purse for her wallet- with the coupon inside.  I sat in the line thinking about how with this economy how much each penny is worth and yet we still because crazy consumers at Christmas.  We loose sight of what is really happening.  The lady in front of me lost sight of everything all for this one little piece of paper to save a few bucks.  We all seem to have lost sight of the True meaning of Christmas. We need the latest game, the cutest sweater, the newest movie and Christ gets put aside.  A baby who had nothing and came into this world to save us...for we could forget His day.  And what are we storing up for??  As Danny and I were cleaning a closet the other day, I was shocked by all the clothes that I have, yes I have had some of them since college but still, the amount of clothing is 100 times more than most people of the world.  What am I storing up for?  What have I become a crazy about this Christmas?
Children change Christmas.  One special child many years ago changed Christmas forever and I want to pass that one to my child.  Yes I still want to get him that fun gift and yes I will still beg Danny to open presents before Christmas Day but I need to step aside and remember in all this hustle and bustle that God made the ultimate sacrifice.  As a mother, I could not even imagine giving of my son and yet God, in all His glory, made that ultimate sacrifice knowing full well that the ending would be His son's life.  Yikes...that is the ultimate Christmas gift!  Sacrificing everything to save the world.  How it must pain Christ to see us down here not remembering the Gift that He gave to us!   That is my new focus this Christmas...putting Christ into Christmas and taking the crazy out of it!

Merry Christmas to all of you and may you remember the true meaning of Christmas this whole holiday season and throughout the year!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Walking in the Winter

Bryce is offically a walker.  We are now toddling around the house causing all types of mischief.  He wants to walk more and more at stores and such and tries running with Benton at any chance he can. Finally at 13 months we can say that he is walking.  Our fears of him being the only kindergardener who crawled is now gone!  :)  It is adorable how he walks and is so proud of walking across the room then smiles brightly to make sure we saw him walking.
We went to his second parade of lights.  The first year was super cold but this year was chilly but fun. Bryce loved pointing at Santa and all the twinkle lights around town.  He loved the giant reindeer balloon as well. I was thanksful that I was not the one holding up a balloon like I did several years ago. The holidays are so much fun with a kiddo.  

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Thanksgiving 2010 was wonderful!  We got to spend the day before with our dear friends Daryl and Sarah from VA. I don't think that we laugh more than when they are in town!  On Thanksgiving, we treked down to Colorado Springs to spend the day with the Westermanns after pressure cooking our turkey at Chick-fil-A!  It was delcious and has become the tradition.  Bryce enjoyed running around the play place by himself but wasn't too sure of the giant tubes.  We spent Thanksgiving dinner at Chris and Sarah's new place and had a great time and were so thankful as they had to unpack the whole house in only 3 days.  Such a great food and a time spent sharing what we were thankful for.  It was also special as my sister flew into town for the week as well.  On Friday, Sister and I were up at 3:00am for Black Friday and bought everything we needed by 8am!  Not only in record time for the day but record time in and out of Target!  Oh the little things that make us excited! 
Bryce is now offically walking though he doesn't choose to walk all the time.  He still chooses to crawl since he has realized that he can move much faster that way.  It is so super cute when he toddles around from one piece of furniture to the next.  He is such a precious kiddo with so much personality.  We are truly thankful for him.
During the Holiday season we are thankful for the little things: Bryce's bright smile, the way Benton plays with Bryce, Christmas music on the radio, good friends and great conversations, Bryce's laugh and gibberish, having a fabulous marriage, marrying my best friend, family close by, skype for those of our family that aren't close, a wonderful church ....the list goes on and on.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Trip to Kansas

We took our first family trip to Kansas. I am not a light packer in the first place but then when you add a baby with his gear and a puppy then you can pack out the car quite quickly.  We actually did really well on the trip.  We of course stopped at the treasured Oasis of the plains in Colby, KS as a traditions of the trips of I-70. Once we got to my folks house in Lorraine, KS we had a great time.  Danny went hunting with my dad and they got a quail- though just 1 quail was not the plan!  :) I guess the pheasants knew it was opening day of the season. It was good to be able to hang out with my folks and fun to watch Benton and my parents' dog, Duke try to be friends.  Bryce loved having 2 dogs hanging around him as well.  We went to church on Sunday and joined their wonderful church family for 2nd Sunday Potluck!  Good Cooking! Bryce also got to ride the rocking horse that I got for my 1st birthday.  He loved it and it was fun to watch him play with it. It was a nice break in the country for a while and good to see the grandparents. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Bryce was a monster this year for Halloween and a cute little monster at that!  We took him to Bass Pro shop with his friend Faith.  They had a great time going to each section and finding the bucket that had candy in it with a balloon tied to it.  Bryce stills loves balloons more than anything so he always saw the next bucket first!  Actually he probably like seeing all the balloons more than the trick-or-treating. 
Giving out the candy
On Halloween, we sat Bryce at the door with the big bucket of candy waiting for kiddos to arrive.  It was an adorable idea at first.  Who wouldn't love to walk up to a house and see an adorable little monster greeting you.  Yes, this was a good idea until our little monster learned that there are some pretty tasty things inside these colored items.  He started unwrapping them, biting them with their wrappers on and throwing them all over the floor.  Our great idea was a short lived idea.  He had a good time seeing the neighborhood kiddos come to the door and everyone loved seeing him as well.  It's amazing how fast time has flown and what an itty bitty guy he was a year ago!
Last year

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life Lessons from the Dog

Bryce being an only child for the time being doesn't have to interact with many children in the form of sharing.  All his toys are his and he gets them when he wants them.  As Bryce gets older the more and more Bryce learns to share with Benton.  Today for example, his lunch consisted of a bite for him, a bite for Benton.  Though not the ideal situation, I was happy as mom as he was sharing his favorite lunch of mac and cheese.  I am yet to figure out why every time he gives the dog a bite he laughs.  Is he realizing that he's being a friend, does he enjoy the "chomp" sound Benton makes as he snatches up the noodle dropping, does he know he's doing wrong?  Last night, in mid bite he quickly tore off a piece of turkey to give to Benton, who waits patiently just incase Bryce does decide to share.  Benton for the most part cannot be in during meal times because Bryce eats much less and we would hate to have a malnourished kiddo because of a dog!  Whatever the case may be, Bryce is learning to we hope that this life lesson from the pup translates to people! 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Balloon Bryce

Bryce is one of the funniest kiddos we know.  Bryce is always making us laugh with his silly antics.  Since his birthday, he has been crazy about balloons.  His friend Faith gave him a mylar truck balloon for his birthday and we bought him one for the party.  He LOVES them!  He toodles around with his little walker and a balloon wrapped around one finger.  When he comes downstairs from naps, he always points to the balloons.  I never really realized how many balloons are at stores but now Bryce points them out.  He doesn't quite understand why he can't have the random balloon at King Soopers stating there is a sale.  Poor kiddo just thinks we're not letting him have his balloon.  Who would have thought that a simple balloon would be the best toy?  Bryce teaches us that sometimes the best things in life are the simple things!  :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Bryce!

One year ago little Bryce brighten our lives!  After 22 hours of labor, he entered the world 2 1/2 hours early from his due date.  October 9 changed and enhanced my life forever. A bright eyed precious boy came into my life and made a deeper love for a child that I didn't even know existed.  I never knew that I could love such a precious child instantly.  I never knew that a laugh or a smile of a child could brighten even the gloomiest of days! I don't even know what my life would be without Bryce and how much 1 year could be so fast!
Bryce celebrated his first birthday this year by hanging out with his family.  My parents are in town for the weekend from Kansas to help us celebrate and my sister is in town from LA.  We made Bryce's favorite breakfast of pancakes and bananas and then played miniature golf at Adventure Land.  Bryce got a new walker for his birthday that has a basket to carry around his toys and such.  He is quite the cruiser now....yet still not walking on his own though the way he flings his cart around I'm not sure why he doesn't realize that he could walk. 
We had his first birthday with lots of family and friends from great-great aunts and uncles to co-workers and old college roommates. It was a fabulous group of people.  The theme was jungle since he adores monkeys.  We made "kid' food like fried mac and cheese, animal crackers, pigs in a blanket, goldfish and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  He wasn't so sure about opening the soon as he opened a gift and loved it, he had to put it back and try another gift :)  He loved the cupcake and was so super cute but not too messy as he picked at the cupcake with the frosting mostly on his shirt and pants rather than his face.  We had a blast and truly enjoyed being able to celebrate with everyone!
Bryce is such a darling little boy and even though he only had one nap, he still stayed a jolly, happy little boy!  I am completely blessed to have a wonderful son and to be able to celebrate a wonderful 1st year.
opening presents

Happy Birthday Bryce

Friday, October 1, 2010

Best of Buds

As Benton grows up, he has become good friends with Bryce.  Bryce smiles when Benton walks into him room in the morning and Benton feels that he always has to help me wake up Bryce after a nap.  Benton can't be in the room while Bryce eats or Bryce will "share" all his food with him and he waits patiently for food to be dropped.  

This is a movie of them playing outside together putting the mulch in and out of the retaining wall.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The small things of life

          As is tradition, when endless shrimp at Red Lobster comes around each year, Danny and I make it a special event to go. This year we got to include Bryce in our annual outing.  Now it is known that the Westermann crew loves seafood and stories have been told of seafood they would eat.  Bryce is no different than the older Westermanns.  He too ate his fair share of 8 grilled shrimp and realistically would have eaten more if I wasn't afraid he would get sick!  :)  Good thing it was endless!
        Bryce also has a new tooth on the top left.  This tooth has been almost breaking through for months now but this weekend we were finally able to see it.  The nice thing is that it hasn't caused him too much pain (knock on wood).  He now has 3 to complete his "grill".
        We are still working on the walking thing as well.  Bryce will walk with his little cart and with a hand and will cruise all furniture but simply refuses to walk on him own.  The minute he feels you let go, to his knee he crashes.  I think he has it figured out that crawling is much faster and steadier mode of transportation and he'll stick to that for a while. He has also figured out the stairs and can swiftly crawl up them.  It was a happy day when he also learned how to crawl down them so I don't have to worry about him tumbling down them!
       As I write this, Bryce is in his wading pool splashing around on all the stolen warm days of fall.  Benton is currently at the vet today and Bryce is constantly looking around for him.  I always thought that Bryce got rather tired of Benton crashing through his pool but now that he is a little less interested in the pool if there isn't a puppy crashing about it with him! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Lily Pad Lake

Hiking with Dad- his face is in distress because of the hat-not the hike

We went for a hike in Silverthorne/Dillion area called Lily Pad Lake Hike.  We got a  hiking backpack carrier from a friend and figured we better use it before this nice weather ends. But who knows with Colorado...this weather could last for another month or it could snow tomorrow. The hike was about 3 miles and we had a marvelous time!  Bryce loved being on Danny's back and looking around.  At the top of the trail were 2 little lakes, one with lily pads, hence the name and one that was populated with fishermen.  He was able to "walk" around at the top and try out his new shoes....which he hates!  He was so busy looking around going up that on the way back down he fell asleep!  Too cute! 

sleepy hiker

Friday, September 10, 2010

Rockies Game

We went to the Rockies game the other night with some dear friends.  We got to meet Dinger the Dinosaur.  Bryce wasn't too sure about him but at least he didn't cry! Dinger also gave him his "autograph" and Bryce held onto it like a prized possession.  Later on during the night, the camera guy came and Bryce was on the jumbo tron.  He was super cute and several friends recognized him around the stadium.  His 1 minute of fame was fun that he decided to make it through the whole game! This was the first game that we didn't have to leave early all season. Of course, once we got in the car he was completely asleep.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here comes fall

Even though it is just the first day of September it feels like fall.  The air is crisp and much cooler in the morning.  Leaves are starting to fall a little and it just feels fall-like.  I wanted to take a couple last pics of Bryce with the green grass before it turns brown. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine

Bryce was getting ready for bed and Danny just happened to close the book causing Bryce to think it was the funniest thing in the world!  His tiny laugh could brighten even the saddest day!  He is just darling and such a jolly little person.  Everyday he just makes the day better with his smile and laughter.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wildlife Experience

While my cousin Jenny was in town, we decided to go to the Wildlife Experience.  If you have kiddos, you need to take them there!  It is tons of fun with lots of animals exhibits and so many things for kiddos to do.  Bryce loved crawling around on the different things and Jen and I enjoyed putting Bryce in costumes! It was also very informative and education!  Tons of fun! 

Riding the Turtle
my little zebra
Spider boy

Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday Weekend

First baseball game with Dad
So this weekend was so much fun. Bryce went to his first baseball game with the CCU Alumni Association. He loved it and had a great time!  
Then I was so surprised when Debbie came to town to surprise me for my early birthday!  Danny and Deb crafted this secret trip without me having a clue at all.  Danny had an elaborate story of hanging out with the guys after the Rockies game and I had no idea.  Sister's flight was delayed so she arrived at 2am!  I was completely surprised! I also am so impressed that Danny and Deb could keep the secret. 
On Saturday, we went to Estes Park, walked around, played mini golf, drove go-karts, and had a great time.  Then on Sunday we celebrated Danny's birthday by going to the Rockies Faith Day. Bryce was a little tuckered out after the game and fell asleep.  We then met up with Aunt Donna, Uncle Wess and my cousin Jenny who happened to be in town from New York as well! It was a fabulous weekend!
The family at Outback
Jen's dramatic reading of Dr. Seuss


Bryce love his walker and after we cleaned the carpets upstairs it made a great walking zone. He walks for a small amount of time but then ends up crawling.  He really isn't interested in walking by himself but he'll get there!

Friday, August 6, 2010


My little Bryce loves to "read" when he wakes up. I know all the baby books say don't put anything in the baby's crib but Bryce needs a book.  He wakes up and starts reading it and talking!  Sometime he reads to his monkey while other times it's just to himself.  He makes my educator's heart rejoice that he loves books so early on even if he doesn't hold it the right way yet!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day of Changes

So today would have been the first day back to school if I had decided to go back this year...but I didn't.  I woke up this morning knowing that I have now officially taken a different path.  I never really had it set in since I "was just on summer break".  But today the official Stay-at-Home Mom job starts and my teaching job is set aside for a while.  I am excited.  A little nervous for what the future holds but I couldn't imagine myself leaving my baby boy right now!  I love my days watching him play, reading stories, learning signs, playing with his puppy Benton and having him just smile at me with that adorable face. Those are moments I wouldn't want to miss.  I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home with I just need the reassurance that I am doing the right thing!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sippy Cup Success!

So I have been trying to get dear little Bryce to drink out of a sippy cup for almost 3 1/2 months now.  I have put juice in them, a little sugar on the tip, tried a variety of brands and styles, 6 month lids, 9 month lids,you name it- I tried it!  Still he had little desire to drink anything but milk from a bottle.  I feared he was going to be the only kindergartner someday who went to school with a bottle!  But today for some magical reason, Bryce finally drank from a sippy cup!  I was so proud---nothing of my doing but just constantly putting a cup in front of him.  Yay for the sippy cup!  Oh such triumphs of being a mom!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grumpy Gus

So my dear little Bryce has become the grumpy gus the last couple of days.  I think we are in midst of a growth spurt but it doesn't make is any easier!  The nice thing is that he has been extra sleepy so long naps have let Danny and I finish the backyard!  (will post pics soon) This is our final chapter in our fixer-upper of a house. It has been a huge undertaking...actually a lot more than we anticipated when we bought the house.  Danny and I have also decreased our list of things we would like to be such as landscaper, plumber, tiler...Hopefully my grumpy gus will go away and then little Bryce can enjoy his new patio! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010


This week Bryce was introduced to swimming!  The first day Bryce was quite unsure of the water.  He didn't like the water being not as warm as his bathtub and looked at me with a puzzled look in his eye as if I made the mistake in making it chilly!  After a while, he got used to it but was happy to leave the pool.  The second day he loved it.  He was kicking his legs, splashing around and being quite a little fish!  Even Dad and Papa got to see his swimming fun.  I am guessing that he misses the big pool when I put him in his "pool" in the backyard!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Yesterday was going to be Bryce's first baseball game and we were going to start out with the best team--STL Cardinals.  He was all dressed and ready to go and then the rain came.  It was pouring at our house and as much as I wanted to go, I knew that I needed to be a responsible mother and not take a 9 month old out in the rain and the cold!  It was such a bummers and to top it off the Rockies won as the Cards choked in the last innings!  Come on Cards!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

talking during meals

Time to start a blog

So with family all over the states from California to New York and with my extra time I will have being at home with Bryce, I decided to start a blog detailing events of Baby Bryce.  Bryce will 9 months on Friday and I can't believe how that time has flown.  He is such a joy.  He got his front 2 teeth the last few weeks and isn't quite sure what to think of them!  He is constantly playing with them and drooling like there is no tomorrow!
He is also a mobile munchkin, constantly on the go crawling everywhere.  He stands on anything he can get his hands on and keeps me on my toes! We recently got a puppy named Benton and they are constantly "running" around together.  It's pretty cute and yet quite a handful.  Danny had some reservations about adding a puppy to the mix of a baby but we're enjoying it!